Daniel Fenn’s journey to the 100 Pound Club and beyond hasn’t been an easy ride. Struggling with his weight for much of his life, Daniel was a regular yo-yo dieter, often giving in to fads in an attempt to win his battle against the bulge. But nothing seemed to help him keep the weight off.

Although frustrated, Daniel wasn’t ready to give up on his goal of getting healthy. “I was tired of always being lethargic and short of breath,” he admits. “The smallest task would exhaust me and I knew if something didn’t change, I wouldn’t be around to see my kids grow up.”

Eager for a long-term solution, Daniel spent some time researching Isagenix® after seeing great results through 1 Star Golden Circle, Crystal Executives, Jamie and Jacelyn Wilson, via Facebook. “It wasn’t the first time I’d heard about Isagenix but this time, I had done my research,” he reflects. “I approached Jamie and Jacelyn to help get me started on my first 30-Day System and haven’t looked back since.”

Along with a surge in sustainable energy and developing a regular sleeping pattern, Daniel hit the 100-pound milestone in December 2016. “Being recognised on stage at Celebration for my achievement was a real turning point for me,” he says. “I’d finally found a system that worked and, even better, a supportive community that just got me.”

In July, Daniel’s motivation was tested after falling ill, resulting in several surgeries throughout the year. “No matter what curveballs are thrown at me, I can always rely on the system to help me get back on track,” he shares. “I was recently cleared by my doctor to resume exercise and my motivation is stronger than ever.”

Armed with the tools and knowledge to succeed, Daniel couldn’t be more grateful for his new lease on life. “Being able to play with my kids without feeling exhausted and spending that quality time with them is incredible,” he says. “I’m more motivated than ever and can’t wait to see what else I can achieve.”

Weight-loss results depicted here should not be construed as typical or average. In a study performed in 2012 by University at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 4.1 kg with an average of 0.9 kg of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix System. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet. Always consult your GP before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, weight-loss or exercise program.