14-2095-isaSocialMediaEdition-facebook-600x400Facebook can be a power tool to build your Isagenix brand and your social media network. There are 1.3 billion monthly active users on Facebook and many of your prospects and customers are ALREADY THERE.

Here we’ll outline a few vital keys to success, including what to post and what NOT to post.

Getting started on Facebook

1. Sign up! Visit Facebook.com and fill out the ‘Sign Up’ form on the right-hand side of the page. Since it’s YOUR business, we recommend using your real name. This will also add authenticity for a more human connection to your audience.

2. Fill in your profile: Once you’re signed in, you’ll be directed to complete your Facebook profile and be given the opportunity to provide some information about yourself and your interests. This, essentially, is a representation of your brand – what makes you who you are – so share as much (or as little) as you like, but keep in mind you’re creating how you want your audience to perceive you.

3. Add a Facebook profile and cover photo: The profile photo is the picture your friends will see next to your name EVERYWHERE on Facebook – so pick one you love! If you’re family centred, choose a family pic. If you’re a fitness fan and enjoy working out, you might choose the picture of you crossing the finish line at your first 5km race or marathon. Whatever image you choose, this is your opportunity to feature a unique representation of who you are and what you are about. Here are some more photo suggestions:

  • Outdoor activities
  • Enjoying time with friends around town
  • Watching a sunset with your family
  • Working out with your buddies

Remember this is YOUR profile, not an Isagenix profile, so you DON’T want to use an Isagenix image, product photo or logo in your personal profile photo, nor do you want to use Isagenix in your profile name.

4. Set up privacy settings: Go to the ‘Basic Privacy Settings & Tools’ section, where you can choose and control what you do and do not want shared. If you’re going to be using only one Facebook profile, for both your brand and your personal page, you may not want all your posts to be public. Always keep your brand image in mind and ensure that your posts reflect you in a positive light. Do you want to share with the public, just certain friends (create a custom list) or a particular interest group?

5. Build your network: Facebook makes it easy to build your network of friends. One easy way is to go to the ‘Find Friends’ button and search for people you know. They may be friends from high school, college or community pals. Once you get going, it’s easy!

6. Post content: Posting is simple and you can do it directly from your newsfeed or your profile page. Follow these easy steps:

  • Type what you want to say in the ‘Update Status’ box.
  • You can include a photo or video if you want, but be sure it is high quality and engaging.
  • ‘Tag’ a friend – this will help show some love for your friends and increase the amount of eyes on your post.
  • Do a quick spell check – do a double check to make sure there are no misspelled words, that your post reads well and will make sense to your fans.
  • Click ‘Post’!

Posting is easy and fun to do, but be careful that you DON’T over-post! If you ‘spam’ your friends and family with everything Isagenix, they are likely to ‘unfriend’ you or ‘hide’ you from their feeds. Post about your life and make people come to you.

The type of content you post is critical! See our tips on Do’s and Don’ts below.

7. Engage your friends and followers: Posting isn’t one sided; it’s a two-way street. You’ll gain and keep your friends and followers by sharing information, opinions, ideas and thoughts that are relevant, interesting, and inspiring or entertaining. Interact with others by liking, commenting and sharing their posts. Find those kindred spirits, including us! Be sure to friend and like Isagenix on Facebook, too!

8. Use the Facebook App: This free mobile app allows you to do everything you’d do on your Facebook account from your laptop or desktop, right on your phone. It’s a great tool so you can share pictures, comments, and more all on the go!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook

Being active on Facebook can be a great way to keep your personal Isagenix brand top of mind with your network. It’s also a great way to build credibility! Show your fans and followers that you are someone they can trust and rely on by following the steps in this shareable infographic.

Always keep in mind that Facebook is a tool to build and nurture social relationships. It’s about sharing and connecting with people in meaningful, inspirational and fun ways. Aggressive sharing can be a BIG turn off.

Below are some tips to ensure you’re ‘turning on’ the value!


And last, but certainly, not least…be sure to review the Social Media Guidelines in your Back Office Resources Library.