“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world a better place than when you found it.” – Wilfred Peterson

When starting your Isagenix business, treat the selection of people to join your team with the same level of care and gravity as you would if you were starting a multi-million dollar business. Who would you want on your Board of Directors?

On page 8 of the 90 Day Game Plan fill in the people you want to reach out to and make contact – this could be on social media, in person or on the phone. Page 9 has handy tips on how to reach out and what to say when you do.

Next, is identifying future prospects. On Page 11 make a list of who you know. Is there anyone who needs better health, more freedom and even a little more money? Filling out this sheet will help you create your initial list of key friends, business contacts and others to share Isagenix with so you can kick-start your Isagenix business. Know that of all the people you contact, about 10-20% will become your partners in Isagenix. This means if you list 100 names, 10–20 people will join you!

Developing your team is an important part of getting your business started so don’t put it off. Make your list and get in touch with people today!