
Basic Training Boot Camp is a FREE 6-week training program launching 21 June, 2016 (ANZ time), designed to help you expand your Isagenix® business. Access weekly training videos covering the business building ‘basics’ and expert instruction on how to leverage your Isagenix product experience, share and connect with others, and grow your business. Learn the skills you need to excel as a network marketer and access the tools to help you on your way. This training is ideal for everyone—including brand-new network marketers, product users, and seasoned Isagenix veterans.

Week 1: Products Focus
Week 2: Develop Your Story & Create Your List
Week 3: Create Interest & Connect
Week 4: Share Isagenix
Week 5: Get New Team Members Started
Week 6: Attend Events

Register Now
Lead by example and opt in now for the first training of its kind. Once signed up, you’ll receive weekly email notifications from, 21 June through 27 July, 2016 (ANZ time) to remind you of the training videos available in your Back Office.

Sign up by 30 June (ANZ time) and you’ll receive a custom Isagenix dog tag upon completion. If you’re attending US Celebration 2016 in Las Vegas, you’ll have the privilege to receive your dog tag at Registration and if not, we will mail it to you.

To qualify to receive the dog tag, participants must:

  1. Register in their Back Office by 30 June, 2016 (ANZ time)
  2. Watch the weekly training video in their Back Office, under the ‘Training’ tab
  3. Click on the ‘Drill Assignment’ link next to the video and submit the completed task by the end of each week

Stay tuned for updates at and the ANZ 90-Day Game Plan Facebook group so you can make the most of growing your Isagenix business.

Meet the Trainers
Week 1: Products
Sharing Isagenix is simple when you’re a product of the products. Commit to the solutions and achieve your results.
Dr. DelRae Messer
5-Star Golden Circle, 3-Star Crystal Executive



Week 2: Your Story
Be prepared by knowing how to talk about and share your Isagenix product experience. Develop an impactful 30-Second Story to make connecting easy.
Shannon Fisher
Isagenix Millionaire,* 8-Star Platinum, 3-Star Crystal Executive



Week 3: Connect
Take in tips to help you open up conversations, spark curiosity, and spread the Isagenix vision to grow your business.
Paul Krueger & Lynette Davis
5-Star Golden Circle, 2-Star Crystal Executive



Week 4: Share Isagenix
Your success can come down to how effectively you share your 30-Second Story and your passion for the products.
Cyndi Walter
6-Star Golden Circle, 11-Star Crystal Executive



Lisa Maciel
6-Star Golden Circle, 3-Star Crystal Executive



Week 5: Get Team Members Started
Have the right conversations with your new team members to build their confidence and help them set goals.
Lynn Hagedorn & Michael Clouse
Isagenix Millionaires,* 17-Star Platinum, 13-Star Crystal Executive



Week 6: Attend Events
There’s no better way to plug in and experience the incredible Isagenix culture than attending events. Discover new products, systems, tools, and connect with team members.
David T.S. Wood
Strategic Training Consultant



Tracy O’Malley
Isagenix Millionaire,* 9-Star Platinum, 5-Star Crystal Executive




*Isagenix Millionaires are defined as Isagenix Associates who have cumulatively earned $1 million or more with Isagenix. Earning levels for this Isagenix Independent Associate substantially exceed the average results achieved by all Associates during the same time periods and should not be construed as typical or average. Income level achievements depend on many factors, including the individual Associate’s business and networking skills, personal ambition, time commitment, work habits and other abilities. For average earnings, please see the Isagenix Independent Associate Earnings Statement found at