180px-Irene-Dave-Miller-2785 years ago, Irene and David M. had a vision of buying a house in Tuscany. They placed the image on their vision board and knew that Isagenix was the vehicle to get them there.

Fast forward to today and their goal has become a reality. Irene and David reached 8 Star Golden Circle and bought their dream home in the green rolling hills of Tuscany. “It was such a surreal moment,” Irene said, “this is what we’ve been working towards and now, thanks to Isagenix, our dream has come true. I’m now able to pass on my heritage to my children and their children for generations to come.

Our team is a huge factor in our success. Getting them paid as soon as possible is our main objective. We try to explain that they don’t need to see the whole staircase; they just need to take one step at a time. Getting people to Executive is really the key to their success.”

Irene and David are on track to becoming the first Isagenix millionaires in Australia and New Zealand. They are so excited for their time in the spotlight that Irene has even chosen her gown in preparation for their crowning moment Isagenix history!