Gym memberships, PT, equipment, the costs all add up. Exercising and improving your fitness on a budget can seem almost impossible for those working part-time, studying, with families and of course bills to pay! What if it doesn’t have to be that difficult? ‘Freeing people from physical and financial pain’ is part of our vision at Isagenix®, so we’ve come up with five tips to help you reach your fitness goals without draining your bank account.

Tip # 1.   Make Multi-Purpose Purchases

Various pieces of exercise equipment can serve so many different purposes and could help you get the fitness results you’re looking for without making monthly gym membership payments. An exercise ball can work anything from abs, legs and even your arms and can cost as little as $10! Who would’ve thought you could get a full body workout for the cost of a couple of coffees?

Tip # 2.    Be Bold with The Old

Just because something is old, it doesn’t always decrease its value or usability! Chances are, you’ve stumbled across some vintage exercise equipment like an old dumbbell, or even some old school sports equipment like a tennis racquet, football or frisbee. Why not give them another shot and reuse some classics for your new and improved fitness regime.

Tip # 3.    Make Use of Yourself

Dumbbells, barbells and cardio/weight machines aren’t the only way to build your strength and stamina. The best competition is yourself so why not use traditional bodyweight exercises in your training routine? Push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, squats, planks, the list is endless, so you’ll never get bored of doing the same workout and best of all it won’t cost you a cent! If you’re not feeling the same burn that you’re used to from the gym slow down each rep to increase muscle tension or push yourself with more reps!

Tip # 4.    Get Out and About

We all enjoy a nice run, walk or cycle in the outdoors so why can’t we enjoy the same pleasures during our strength workouts? Public exercising areas are popping up at local parks all around Australia and New Zealand so make the most of them especially when spring comes around and the sun starts shining!

Tip # 5.    Utilise Your Resources

Rather than paying for a Personal Trainer to tell you what exercises to do, why not do some research on the internet or head to your local library for exercise resources that will suit your lifestyle. There’s also an abundance of online groups and blogs that can give you ideas and motivate you to try new things.

Want to track your calories, fitness and share motivation tips with friends? The perfect way to do this is by downloading the IsaLife™ app where you can easily connect with friends and support your new lifestyle at any time!

Health and fitness shouldn’t break your body or the bank! A little imagination and thinking outside the box can go a long way in helping you hurdle over your financial fitness obstacles.