180-Jen-&-Jono-PatchJen and Jono Patch have seized the Isagenix opportunity with both hands, creating incredible momentum within their team.  Even with the birth of a baby daughter in mid-June, they’ve achieved 5 Star Golden Circle. 

Here’s what they have to say …

“Seeing our business rank advance to 5 Star and hit a milestone of 100 cycles a week is incredible. That’s $5400 a week just from cycling! This really does demonstrate the strength of the products, the company, the compensation plan and network marketing as a business model and profession. It’s been 18 months since we joined Isagenix, and last month we saw the biggest growth in our business and income since starting. We were amazed because it happened when we could contribute the least amount of time and attention due to having a new baby. What other business allows you to take a month off and grow your income?

We are all in the right place – Isagenix presents us with an opportunity like no other on so many levels and we are completely grateful to be involved with this wonderful company.”

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