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Congratulations! You’ve completed two-thirds of your 90-Day Game Plan and you’re on the homestretch! Now that you are in the final 30 days of this transformational business plan, it’s more important than ever to keep up the pace for the final few weeks!

Keep the momentum alive!

Take some time to reflect on the past eight weeks to help you plan the next few weeks so that you maximise your 90-Day Game Plan:

  • Where is your Isagenix® business now compared to when you started your Game Plan?
  • What mistakes have you made and what have you learnt from them?
  • What transformations have you experienced personally or have seen in someone else?

Reflecting on, recognising and sharing these stories will help you connect with your team and with new people you are introducing to Isagenix. Grow yourself and expand your world!

Remember, if you’re just starting out on your 90-Day Game Plan, identify and take one small step you can take to begin your transformation today!

Something’s coming…

Stay tuned for a big announcement coming very soon!

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IsaDerby reminder

Don’t forget – IsaDerby Hawaii leaderboards are updated every Wednesday. Check them out now at ANZ.IsaFYI!


Update your calendar

Launch Party Weeks

  • Monday 16 November – Sunday 22 November


Keep up to date on ANZ.IsaFYI for your 90-Day Game Plan updates and more!