NEW-IsaPulse-IsaFYI-510x510 US 201115How would you like to stay continually up to date with your Isagenix® business?

Join the thousands of Associates who already do so by downloading the newest version of IsaPulse™.

Get notifications about your team’s latest accomplishments and receive statistics about your Cycles and Double Product Introduction Bonuses (PIBs).

You can do it all with the touch of a finger!

IsaPulse goes where you go and is now better than ever

If you are one of the near 37,000 Associates who have the IsaPulse app for iOS or Android, it’s time to download our newest version. Making sure your app is up to date will help resolve the problems that you may have been experiencing with previous versions.

Recently, the following issues have been addressed:

  • IsaPulse will no longer automatically sign members out after each session. You can now remain signed in for up to 30 days.
  • Twice-daily push notifications will go out when members have new notifications to view.
  • iOS users will no longer experience the issue that was causing text to display incorrectly in iOS9.

To view the full list of updates and fixes, visit

If you are still experiencing problems, we recommend that you delete the current version you are using and reinstall the app.

IsaPulse, along with our other mobile applications, is in a process of continual improvement, and we value feedback from our users. If you have had a chance to use the IsaPulse app, we encourage you to submit a review via the App Store or Google Play.

Visit for more information.