Peanut Butter Cup

2023-02-01T14:18:57+10:00September 28th, 2022|

You'll need: 2 scoops IsaLean Shake Creamy Dutch Chocolate 1 Tbsp peanut butter or powdered peanut butter 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 250 mL water Ice cubes Method: Blend all ingredients [...]

Choco-Mint Blueberry

2023-02-07T11:46:43+10:00September 28th, 2022|

Blueberry is a rich source of dietary fibres and vitamins, including vitamin C, K, A, E and vitamins of the B group. It also contains valuable minerals such as iron, manganese, phosphorus and potassium! Try [...]

Switch it up with these 400- to 600-calorie recipe

2023-02-07T11:48:38+10:00September 26th, 2022|

Whether it’s consuming dairy-free foods and drinks, choosing to lead a plant-based lifestyle, or packing in protein, many of us have modified our nutritional intake in some way, shape, or form. Yet, many find themselves discouraged or under the impression that a diet that has modifications is dull or lacks flavors. Keep reading for delicious recipes under 600 calories.
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