Tim Dykes
Age: 57
Location: Victoria
Challenges Completed: 1

Demanding work and unstable life patterns can sometimes lead to a path of self-destruction, Tim recalls. A significant work event spiralled Tim back into damaging drinking habits and neglecting his health and wellbeing.

Tim’s harsh reality check was when he realised, he had turned his back on the one he loved the most and had always supported him, and knew he had to turn it around.

“How lives can change for the better because of one thing. We were chatting about Isagenix recently and Larissa (his partner) described Isagenix as Relationship Counselling in a box. Its saved me. We have both lost over 20kgs each in the seven months since starting.”

Now, Tim looks forward to his gym sessions and looks to finish his personal training course and continues his journey to bettering himself.


Stacey Tarrant
Age: 35
Location: New Zealand
Challenges Completed: 1

Through the “Isagenix Magic System” Stacey was able to transform her life, from the depths of depression, to waking up every morning energised, and looking forward to her shot of Ionix.

Post baby, Stacey lacked energy for life and admits she completely let herself go, however, committing to the Isagenix system fully for the first time ever enabled her to sleep better, eat better and is so much happier for her children.

“Isagenix hasn’t just been about weight loss for me, it’s been huge on my mental health. I’m sleeping better, eating better and so much happier for my children.”

Now, Stacey is a proud advocate for the Isagenix community and can’t wait to cheer on all participating in the challenge.