720x720px-IsaNews-10-web-assets-Make-happiness-happenDo you feel like you just blinked and suddenly it’s May? Did some of your New Year resolutions go by the wayside? Or you’ve just lost your oomph? Not to worry – we’ve got IsaNews inspiration to help you and your team get crafty creating your very own vision boards!

What is a vision board?

Basically, a vision board is a physical representation of your desired future state, goals or reality. It becomes a clear, visual and tabgible image. It’s meaningful and relevant to you, and the amazing face is that the more your eyes look at your vision board, the more you’ll attract the energy and resources you need to achieve your goals.

360px-EsthersandRowans-VisionboardThe best way to make a vision board is by creating a collage using picture and words cut out of magazines cards, photographs, old books and so on. An important reminder: this is not about artisitc talent! Do whatever works for you. This is your creation, your future and your vision board!

“We had so much fun making our vision board! We collected everything that excites us right now, including surfing, yoga, flying our family around the world, finding a house we can call home and, most importantly, growing our amazing team around the world, connecting with people and helping them get excited about life again. We want to take a big team to 2015 US Celebration in San Diego…and so much more!” Esther Wallace-Hill, 2 Star Golden Circle, Crystal Executive

Here are some tips on how you can create your vision board:

You can make your vision board any size you want – poster, A4, wall, phone screensaver – whatever! Make sure when it’s finished that you display it somewhere prominent, like your wardrobe mirror, or above your desk – somewhere that you’ll consciously focus on it as often as possible. Make copies or take photos, print them and stick them in other places where you’ll see them every day, such as on your phone or in your wallet.

Allocate a space on your vision board for each goal in a different area of your life. Be sure to include all the important aspects, without it getting too cluttered, confused or complicated. This means you’ll be able to focus on each goal more clearly and easily. Some examples include fitness, romance, finance and health.

Be sure to put yourself in the picture. Use a selfie or a head shot attached to someone else’s body (this works well for fitness or weight loss goals). Show yourself being, doing or having your desired goals – sitting in a business or first-class airplane seat holding tickets to the destination you want; holding that giant winner’s cheque; wearing those fabulous new smaller-sized clothes; or holding the keys to your new house.

Show the situation in its ideal and completely achieved form, as if it already exists. Think about your five senses – what specifically you’ll see, smell, feel, taste and hear when you’ve achieved this goal. And who’s there with you? You don’t need to know how it’s going to come about! This is the finished product, the goals you want!

Use lots of colour. Colour stimulates the brain and the creativity that we all possess. This in turn increases the power of your vision board and the impact on your brain and your consciousness.

Include some symbols that have meaning to you. It could be a sun radiating light, the ‘ohm’ sign, or anything that represents to you universal intelligence, a ‘higher power’ or God. This isn’t about religion – it’s about what Carl Jung (the eminent psychiatrist) called the ‘collective unconscious’, an acknowledgment and a reminder that everything comes from an infinite source.

Include positive affirmations and words, as if your goals are happening now. For example, “Here I am flying first-class to New York, and I’ve got $$$ to spend on really enjoying this trip.” And be sure to include an encompassing affirmation such as: “This or something better is manifesting for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for all.”

Vision boards are a perfect tool to establish, motivate and achieve your goals through your 90-Day Game Plan. For more ideas and inspiration, watch Peta Kelly’s video on Training on your ‘Why’ and listen to Anna Richards’s inspiring 90-Day Game Plan conference call.

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