What’s the one thing in common with every Isagenix® system? That’s right, cleansing! Every Isagenix product enthusiast knows that cleansing (aka intermittent fasting) is the secret weapon in any Isagenix system.

Everyone’s health journey is different. When it comes to cleansing, no two cleansers are the same! Cleanse Days with Cleanse for Life™ bring out the best in your body and your personality. Some people have even discovered a bright and bubbly side to themselves that they didn’t even know existed!

Whether you down your Cleanse liquid straight from the bottle or mix your powder into a deliciously warm winter tea, how you decide to Cleanse says a lot about your personality.

Take the Cleanse Quiz!

We all have our own tips, tricks and superstitions that help us have the best Cleansing experience possible.

This short quiz breaks down your Cleanse Day habits to calculate what type of cleanser you are. Your results might surprise you and your fellow cleanse buddies.

We’ve found away to bring every Cleanse Day personality together with the 30-Day Challenge starting 1 August! Sign up for the challenge here for tips, tricks and motivation to finish your winter with a bang.

If you haven’t already stocked up on Cleanse for Life, jump into your Back Office and add Cleanse for Life to your next order today!

What Is Your Cleanse Day Personality?