Nutrition Goals 640x400Have your New Year’s resolutions started to fade? March is a good time to recharge your health and wellness goals and keep on track. A healthy lifestyle is not just a good diet or physical activity, but the combination of both.

It is important to place the focus on adopting eating and exercise habits to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Making informed food choices, consuming fewer kilojoules and daily physical activity are all at the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

Isagenix is in full agreement as a company that there is no single food or habit that is the key to good health. A healthy weight and lifestyle through good nutrition and physical activity will improve the way you feel and reduce the risk for chronic health conditions (1; 2). Exercise and eating well, in fact, will only improve results when using an Isagenix program.

It begins in the kitchen

While there are many different ideas of what the perfect diet is, most would agree that it should be balanced, nutrient-dense and moderate in kilojoules. What makes a meal balanced is its incorporation of the essential components: lean proteins, healthy fats, fibre, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Spending the time creating nutritious meals can be fun and tasty. Making meal planning and preparation a family affair is a great way to get kids started on making their own healthy food choices and excited about nutrition. Home-cooked meals also tend to be more nutrient-dense than those prepared at a restaurant.

But unfortunately, cooking is not always achievable. With so much going on in day-to-day life, rushing from one place to the next can make finding the time to put together a nutritious meal impossible. There is also risk of underestimation of kilojoules and nutrition, which could lead to overeating and undernourishment. That is why having a blender in the kitchen, such as an IsaBlender, for meal replacement options can be important. An IsaLean Shake is a foolproof way of getting all the nutrition you need when on the go.

The other piece of the puzzle

A healthy lifestyle is more than just a nutritious diet, it’s also one that keeps you active. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk for chronic disease and improve overall health (3). The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults invest at least 30 minutes, five days a week, doing a physical activity they enjoy and taking part in a muscle-strengthening activity twice a week (4).

Fuelling up for training is easier with the help of Isagenix. With naturally-sourced caffeine, an e+ Shot is a great pre-workout boost. Instead of drinking a sports drink laden with excess sugar and kilojoules, Want More Energy?® is a great alternative to stay hydrated and replace lost nutrients. IsaLean Bars can be conveniently thrown in your gym bag for a protein-rich meal replacement for quality nutrition before or after a workout.

So this year, instead of giving up on your weight loss and health goals, or jumping on a fad diet bandwagon only to fall off a few months down the road, commit to a healthy lifestyle and use Isagenix products to stay on track!


  1. Lin JS, O’Connor E, Whitlock EP, Beil TL. Behavioral counseling to promote physical activity and a healthful diet to prevent cardiovascular disease in adults: systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med. 2010;153:736-750.
  2. Jonathan Berz. Diet and the Prevention of Chronic Disease. Medscape. Aug 21, 2012.
  3. Mayo Clinic Staff. Exercise and chronic disease: Get the facts. Available at:
  4. 2008 physical activity guidelines for Americans. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Available at: