Instagram PicPictures are powerful—often more so than words. They grab attention, evoke emotion, and make an impact. Available for as a mobile app for iOS, Android and Windows smartphones, Instagram® is a great tool for incorporating pictures into your messaging without spending too much time.

Case in point: About two weeks ago, Twitter® released its new Facebook®-esque profile design. One of the major standouts is the larger picture sizes. Even though Twitter isn’t friends with Instagram anymore, Twitter knows the importance of leveraging pictures in social media (and, in case you were wondering, you can still use Instagram to post pictures on Twitter).

If you aren’t using pictures as part of your social media strategy, it’s high time you started. Read on for five reasons to use Instagram to help build your business.

1. Low Learning Curve
If you know how to take a picture with your smartphone, you can use Instagram. It’s super easy to upload pics from your phone, crop them, and apply a cool filter (if you want). It lets you upload videos, too!

If you need extra help, check out Instagram’s Help Center or our IsaGeeks University video tutorials in your Associate Back Office (ABO). Instagram even offers some handy business tips.

2. Establish an Emotional Connection
Just like other social media sites, Instagram lets fans follow you and comment on or like your posts. Unlike other sites, the emphasis is on pictures, not words. If you strategically use pictures that evoke emotion in your followers and prospects, you can instantly build a connection with them that’s stronger than words alone.

In addition, pictures let you demonstrate your fun side. By posting a combo of work and play pics, you can show your personality and assure your audience that you’re more than a corporate entity—you’re someone genuinely concerned with their health and wellness.

3. Increase Social Media Engagement
When we read books and magazines or scroll through our Twitter and Facebook feeds, our eyes are naturally drawn to pictures. Because Instagram is comprised entirely of pictures, imagine how much more engaging it is than other platforms. Prospects want pictures, and it’s your job to provide them.

Statistics show that pictures on Instagram have a higher engagement rate than on other platforms. And by using trending hashtags or creating your own, you can even increase that engagement.

GEEK TIP: Love stats? Iconosquare provides analytical tools to measure the effectiveness of your brand on Instagram. Already a HootSuite® user? It’s now available there!

4. Expand Your Global Reach
If you’re marketing internationally, Instagram is a must. More than 65% of Instagram users live outside the United States. Because pictures speak for themselves, you can reach anyone, anywhere without worrying about translating words into different languages.

Instagram Screnshot


5. Post to Multiple Sites at Once
If you think it’s overwhelming to add another social media platform to your marketing strategy, think again. Instagram actually makes it easier because you can post your pictures to multiple sites at once, including Facebook, Twitter and more. What a time saver!

So, what are you waiting for? Go forth and get snappin’!