Did you know you could earn some extra cash simply by allocating your tickets for an event? Five lucky winners have pocketed a $100 event voucher for following these few simple steps.

  1. Log into your Back Office and click on ‘View and Manage Events’
  2. Select your Event (e.g. IsaU, UIA or Celebration) and location
  3. Under the ‘My Tickets’ tab you will see the amount of tickets purchased and those unassigned
  4. Click on ‘assign’ and enter attendee details
  5. Hit ‘save’ and you’re all done!

CONGRATULATIONS to Rebecca H., Jacqueline B., Emily R,. Alex W. and Tracee W.

Smiles from Jacqueline B. and Rebecca H.

Smiles from Jacqueline B. and Rebecca H.

If you are heading to one of our incredible events, allocate your tickets immediately and you too could have some extra event spending money for our Singles Bar and IsaGear.

I wonder who our winners will be for Auckland IsaUni and our UIA events in November? Jump on now and allocate your tickets today!