Geek signAre you ready for your small-screen debut? An upcoming IsaGeeks Q&A video could feature you!

One in particular will feature members asking us questions. You—yes, you—could be one of those members!

To submit an entry:

1. Create a video in which you ask us a question. Because we won’t be responding right away and our response will be in video form, asking for help with an urgent support issue isn’t the best idea. Instead, stick to something conceptual or funny.

For example: Why does Jill have such great hair, while David and Jeremy have none?
(Just kidding! Please be nice to us. We’re geeks. We might cry.)

2. Post the video to YouTube. If you’ve never used YouTube before, click here for some handy-dandy instructions.

3. Email us the link at We’ll select the best entries for our IsaGeeks Q&A video.

May the force be with you! (That’s geek-speak for “Good luck!”)