Ion Hadjihambi
Age: 45
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Challenges Completed: 3

At the ripe young age of 45, Ion is feeling fitter, healthier, and happier than ever before. Three challenges in, Ion continues to prioritise his health and wellbeing alongside his loving and supportive wife.

Finding empowerment within the community of each challenge (and challenge within a challenge), Ion has been able to remain focused on his goals. “Seeing the transformation in people with similar goals, as well as those who expose their vulnerabilities is extra motivation and inspiration to keep on track.”

Treating his mind and body with total respect, Ion has built a lifestyle of healthy habits, and reached his first set of goals – now it’s on to finding those abs and building lean muscle!


Meika Standish
Age: 40
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Challenges Completed: 3

Meika is no stranger to the IsaBody Challenge, hitting at all time high physically and mentally December 2020, however as well all know, life can throw us a curveball at any moment and Meika caught hers in February… Spiraling back into toxic eating habits, and dark places in her mind, Meika had piled the weight on and lost herself. 

A few months on, supported and encouraged by the Isagenix community and driven by the support of her beautiful boys, Meika got back on track jumping on to the IsaBody challenge to find her light again. “This Isa body challenge has been amazing for me. To get back to self-care and get me back to the best version of myself I can be for my boys”. 

Proud of where she is headed, Meika is well on her way back to the best version of herself, and this time, maybe even better! 


Taz Dunstan
Age: 36
Location: New Zealand
Challenges Completed: 1

Taz has always been more than comfortable in the fitness world, working as a professional in the industry and understanding the importance of overall health and wellbeing. It wasn’t until 2019 where she lost her way due to stress and personal trauma and found herself not sleeping or eating and watching herself deteriorate.  

Determine to save herself for her children, Taz found comfort again in the Isagenix community and quickly adopted the products and lifestyle to get back on track… 4 weeks in and she began to thrive. With the rush of nutritional knowledge and energy flowing back into her life, Taz turned the challenge into an opportunity to create her best lifestyle. 

” I have dropped over 11kgs of body fat, gained muscle and am now a comfortable size 8. MORE THAN THAT, I have achieved an industry first for a program that prioritises mental health and wellbeing with self-care routines as a primary focus before nutrition and exercise.”