320px-IsaBody-GroupCongratulations on your journey so far! We have seen some amazing transformations so far and we’re so excited to see everyone’s after photos!

A reminder that if you’ve enrolled in the first round of our IsaBody Challenge, it’s time to upload your after photos and essay. Your materials are due before the 28th of June and winners will be announced on the 11th of July at IsaUni Perth.

To upload your after photos and essay; Sign into your Back Office, click on ‘Contests and Promotions’, then on the IsaBody Challenge link and click on ‘Go to Challenge’. From here you’ll be able to upload your after photos, lifestyle photos and your 250-500 word essay.

If you’re not enrolled in the first round of the IsaBody Challenge, you can check your Back Office and you will be notified of your individual end date. Here is how your end date will appear:

IsaBody Post

If you have any questions, please email: IsaBodyChallengeANZ@isagenixcorp.com

 “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end”- Ernest Hemingway