
A Note from Kathy Coover, Isagenix Co-Founder & Executive Vice President

Have you ever envisioned a goal, and really, really wanted it, only to see it never come to fruition?

Writing down your goals and sharing them with others can be the difference between achieving your dream and having it vanish. The response we’ve seen from business builders who implemented 90-day plans has been absolutely astonishing. If you want your Isagenix business to skyrocket, this game plan will be one of your most powerful tools.

90-Day Game Plans kick off September 8, but the preparation begins NOW! Take today through September 7, 2014 to prepare yourself for your 90-Day Game Plan. You’ll find a calendar in the 90-Day Game Plan workbook that outlines important events to keep you on track with what you want to accomplish.

We know you can do this, and we can’t wait to see where you are in the next 90 days.

To your success!


Added Incentive: Crystal Director Reset

90-Days isn’t just the length of our Global Game Plan, it’s also the timeframe in which you can earn a Crystal Director bonus! And, bonus! Starting today, and lasting through our entire game plan we’re offering a Crystal Director Reset—giving you an extra 15 days to reach Crystal Director! That means, if you’re an Associate, Consultant or Manager/Crystal Manager and you rank advance to Director before December 7, you’ll earn a $750 bonus!

Prepare Now for Maximum Success

First, make sure you’ve got your 90-Day Game Plan workbook ready to fill out. Celebration attendees will receive one at the event. If you’re not able to attend Celebration, you’ll want to download or purchase the 90-Day Game Plan workbook and follow along with training at home via Isagenix Live.

From there, it’s just a matter of filling in the blanks.

What’s in the 90-Day Game Plan Book?90-Day-Game-Plan-228x300

Fill out each section in its entirety, says Sales and Marketing Supervisor Jacki Shoemake-Palmer. “It’s important that you give equal attention to each section. Casting your vision and establishing your “Why” will help you build a firm foundation to launch your business into action.”

Vision: What is your vision for the next 90 days, and onward? Are you able to commit 90 days and overcome any obstacles?

Identify Distractions and Eliminate Them: Examples of distractions: negative people, self-doubt, too much Facebook, TV, etc.

Get Your Business Set: Set up your office, ensure you have three-way calling, and access your Blueprint reports in your Associate Back Office.

Set Business Hours: Example: Part time 7:00–9:30 p.m. Full time 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. and 7:00–10:00 p.m.

Establish Your “Why”: Example: I believe all parents deserve to spend more time with their children. I show people a way to stay at home and provide a full-time income.

Connect and Use the Tools:,,, Launch Party Kit, IsagenixANZ Facebook, etc.

“You+Two, Them+2”: Learn this and teach it to all your enrollments.

Develop Your Team: Lock arms with 5 team members and set goals.

Set Up Your Calendar: What is the next event you’re attending and who is coming with you?

Create a Daily and Monthly Plan: What actions are you taking daily and monthly to move your business forward?

Go to and join our Isagenix Business Facebook Group for training and support materials for your 90-Day Global Game Plan and to build your business year-round!