Nominations are in full swing for the prestigious Spirit of Isagenix award presented on stage at National Celebration 2016. We know that so many of our Associates deserve this, so we’re giving away three awards this year- Male, Female and Couple.

With only 1 week left to nominate a fellow associate, get your votes in before it’s too late. We don’t want you to miss out on having your say! Voting closes on February 19!

Nominating is easy. Simply send an email to and provide a short paragraph about why you believe the voted Associate deserves to be recognised for their efforts.

Here’s an example of what we heard last year about an Associate you nominated: “This person has a passion for global health and for people everywhere to have healthy, prosperous, forever families. She has inspired thousands of big-hearted people to use Isagenix not only for their own health and financial freedom but to serve others by bringing those same things to orphans and all those in need throughout the world. Her selfless passion for her own family and everyone she comes into contact with is the Spirit of Isagenix!”