After an absolutely epic 2014 “Strength in Momentum” Celebration, our START members took time out to give back to the homeless community in San Diego. St. Vincent de Paul, located less than a mile from the San Diego Convention Center, runs two kitchens 365 days of the year to serve over a million meals annually.

About 50 volunteers from thestart1 START group came together to serve breakfast and lunch, offer samples of IsaLean Shakes and IsaLean Bars, provide nutritional information, and give back to the community. The event was a resounding success with approximately 1,000 meals served.

“This whole movement of young people is about coming together to contribute to the world in meaningful ways. We were so grateful for the opportunity to give back to those who are in need in San Diego,” said Erik Coover, VP of Global Field Development at Isagenix and the founder of the START group. “I know everyone felt fulfilled and reinvigorated, and we heard from just about all of our volunteers that they’ll be doing more volunteering and community outreach with their teams when they get home.”


Learn more about the START movement at their new website,