Imagine growing your belief in the company, the products, the compensation plan, the network marketing profession and yourself to an unshakeable 10-out-of-10! At our next University In Action (UIA) in Auckland in May, you too can discover valuable, easy to use tools and systems that will help you take your business to the next level! Have you got your ticket to success?
“In the words of David T.S. Wood, ‘80% of success is just showing up’. I’m so glad I made the decision to attend University In Action. We all make excuses why not to attend events or meetings. But in this case, it would have cost me more if I did not go!” Leanne L., Manager
What can you expect from your experience at UIA?
UIA is presented by Master Trainer David T.S. Wood. This champion network marketer and industry specialist will reveal the pathway to success and provide the team building tips that will have you achieving ultimate health and wealth.
Sharing the importance of moving out of your comfort zone, David encourages you to continuously develop yourself on a personal level to get the most out of your business and the most out of life. You will practice in a safe environment using David’s proven system of scripts and templates to gain confidence in finding people and talking to people.
This three day training event will transform your life, boost your confidence and build your charisma! In short, University In Action will help you:
Become inspired and motivated
- Build your belief and confidence
- Take more action towards your goals
- Discover proven steps for building your business
- Be coached on how to achieve success with Isagenix®
- Step out of your comfort zone
- Walk away with a formula for presenting the Isagenix opportunity
- Learn how to build relationships and connect in a meaningful way
- Enrol new Associates and move past your fear of rejection
- Build on your team’s strength and relationships
Grow your belief that you can be successful in Isagenix – that you can build a business and achieve your goals! Book your tickets now for University In Action in your Back Office!
Check out the highlight videos from last year’s UIA in Melbourne and hear from Associates on how UIA has impacted their lives and their businesses!
To make the most out of your event experiences, check out Attending an Isagenix Event: 101.