It’s Time to Spring Clean Your Body!
One weekend does not make a healthy life but a good bout of spring cleaning can help you kick off a healthy lifestyle that will last for months and even years to come. If you’re ready to start working towards your physical goals, it’s time to take your spring cleaning from your home to your health!
Isagenix Performance Line Now Informed-Sport Certified!
Isagenix has always taken pride in its no-compromise approach to quality and efficacy when it comes to products and ingredients. We're excited to share that Isagenix has partnered with Informed-Sport, which provides quality assurance of sports supplements for athletes and active people.
There’s a New Kid on the IsaLean Bar Block!
We're so excited about the launch of the NEW IsaLean Bar Lemon Passion Crunch! The perfect balance of savoury and sweet combined with a satisfying crunch, it's sure to be your new go-to. Grab yours today!
IsaLean PRO Strawberry Cream is Here!
IsaLean PRO Strawberry Cream is new to the IsaLean PRO team and we couldn't be more excited! Check out how this sweet, new flavour ticks all the nutritional boxes.
IsaLean Shake and IsaLean PRO – Which One Is Right For You?
Shake are packed with the highest-quality whey protein and provide options that make living a healthy lifestyle delicious and easy. So, how do you decide which one is right for you? Check out everything you need to know here.
Hearty and Healthy Third Meal Options
Winter may be coming to a close but that chill is still in the air! Wrap up winter with these tasty recipes taken from the popular Better Living recipe book, available for purchase at