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April 2019


“Let your actions speak louder than your words and the right people will see and follow”

Jackson Parr, New South Wales, AU

“Go out of your way to put yourself in situations where you are bound to meet new people.“

Jen Jefferies, Queensland, AU

“Events are everything, they are our greatest tool. We are constantly working towards the next event as they build belief and demonstrate what is possible through the Isagenix vehicle.”

Gabrielle Deane, Auckland, NZ

“It’s important to realise it’s not just about you. We are in the business of changing lives so it’s about finding people who you can help.”

Josh Carder and Sarah Berry, Taupo, NZ

“Instead of trying to motivate people, simply be an inspiration to them by setting a positive and strong example. You can inspire someone but you can’t motivate them into action – that’s something they need to do for themselves.”

Lara Nicholls, South Australia, AU

“Meet people where they are at in their journey. Never try to force anything – people will let you know when they are ready.”

Kelvin and Vanessa Weir, Opunake NZ

IsaBody Challenge® 2019 Judging Period 1

“I started by going to the gym two days a week and just two weeks later I was going four times a week with a 50 km bike ride on the weekend. I’m fitter and healthier than I was in my 20’s and my transformation has been mind blowing!”

Benjamin Clayton, Finalist

“I wanted to be a better role model for my kids. I didn’t ever want them to be embarrassed by their mum and I wanted them to be proud of me.”

Janelle Enlund, Finalist

“My ‘why’ for doing Isagenix become crystal clear. It was to create the very best version of myself physically, mentally and to inspire as many people as possible to do the same.”

Brett Liddle, Finalist

“I’m a roaring blaze of confidence and self-love. I have so much pride what I’ve achieved both physically and mentally compared the person I hated seeing in the mirror.”

Sally Lee Hall, Finalist

“I went from just showing my face at bootcamp to training with purpose and focus to get bet better each day. I’m so overwhelmed with the love and support from every single person that commented within the IsaBody community. I really feel like I belong and that I’m worth celebrating.”

Troy Sanders, Finalist

“I’m the only one here for my son, so I need to make sure my health is at its peak, and I knew an IsaBody Challenge would help me reach those goals.”

Nat Pouniu, Finalist

“I’ve gone from 80.2 kgs to 62 kgs! I have lost 158.7 cm and my energy levels have sky rocketed. But most importantly I feel like me again.”

Alana Garratley, Honourable Mention

“Challenge number five has without a doubt been my breakthrough. It’s completely transformed my life like never before.”

Darrin Vassallo, Honourable Mention

“This has been the most uplifting challenge.  I have belief in myself and I have confidence in myself! Now I LOVE what I see in the mirror and I haven’t been able to say that in a long time.”

Donni Smythe, Honourable Mention

“Physically this Challenge has changed my world. I feel lighter on my feet and have the spring back in my step.”

Julia Milne, Honourable Mention

“After 16 weeks I lost a massive 31.2 kgs and 128 cm in overall size, it’s been an incredible journey.”

Steven Higgs, Honourable Mention

“I am the fittest I have ever been in my life. I have tears of joy when I look in the mirror and for the first time in my life, I am happy with what I see!”

Tegan Summerville, Honourable Mention

IsaBody Challenge® 2018 Judging Period 3

“Even with a second healthy pregnancy thrown in, I’ve released a life changing 63 kg from my original weight. I am a size 10, down from size 26! Life today is nothing like my past.”

Ashlea Keddie, Finalist

“My results were instant and motivating. The plan was easy to follow and the Shakes were tasty and addictive. I look and feel fantastic. I am now much more confident in all situations.”

Geoff Aylward, Finalist

“I find that with greater energy levels I am more active, much healthier and happier and look and feel ten years younger!”

Leon Namai, Finalist

“This time I had the of support of my peers who I have had doing this alongside with me. I changed my environment, mindset and priority which have been key to my success.”

Paulo Pelaez, Finalist

“My new reality is that Iʼm now living in my dream body, the body I always wanted to have. The body I deserved and wanted to show off.”

Thomas Philbin-Malucelli, Finalist

“By the end of my first 30 days I had lost 6.5 kgs, I had more energy than I knew what to do with and I literally felt better about myself than ever before, even before having my baby.”

Tova Frost, Finalist

“As much as this has been a transformation challenge of my physical body the one you can’t see, running parallel in the background is the one that has happened in my head.”

Brett Liddle, Finalist

“This challenge really taught me how powerful my mind can be when I started tapping into its potential.”

Jarrad Batza, Honourable Mention

“The IsaBody Challenge as a whole has pushed me to get the results I never thought possible. I have even seen muscles on myself that I never knew existed.”

Kiah Mummery, Honourable Mention

“I have decreased body fat, overall size, I’m so much fitter and healthier and most importantly I’m the happiest, most confident and self loving version of myself.”

Sally Lee Hall, Honourable Mention

Millionaire Special Needs Mum

Congratulations to the newest Isagenix Millionaires* Sandy & Richard Golder! Two months after Sandy was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, her daughter Imogen was diagnosed with autism. From that moment, their ambitions for their Isagenix Business changed. It wasn't about helping buy products, it was about giving them the freedom to be at home with their children. Read more about their story below.

February 7th, 2020|

Rico Gear Laces Up for Charity

Former All Black and current Isagenix Associate Rico Gear took the field for the NZ Barbarian Legends in an exhibition game against the Pacific Legends, to help raise awareness for obesity and diabetes in Pacific and Maori communities.

October 10th, 2019|
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