Since joining Isagenix in January of 2011, Paul McAneny and Suzanne Skillen have transformed countless lives through their belief, vision and unwavering commitment to helping others. In doing so, they’ve created a remarkable legacy for their family and friends and have been deservingly crowned Australia’s Newest Isagenix Millionaires.

A true rags to riches story, Paul and Suzanne spent their days before Isagenix living in between Bali and Jakarta. Some would suggest they were living the dream life, building a successful business in the most idyllic location. It wasn’t until one day, Suzanne recalls “that we went to the company’s office, only to find that their doors were closed. They’d been shut down.”

It was at this devastating moment that both Paul and Suzanne went from a position of supporting many people, to barely being able to support themselves. “We had lost everything, our home, along with our savings.”

_MG_2276Heading back to Australia in December 2010 to build a new life, the trying times continued for Paul and Suzanne. “We didn’t have money to buy Christmas gifts for our family, not even enough money for food.”

Getting back on their feet, the determined couple were introduced to Isagenix but were left scarred by Network Marketing. “We were simply not interested, we just didn’t have the courage to start again,” they both recall.

With the Isagenix 30 Day Money Back Guarantee in place however, Paul and Suzanne decided to give the products a try. “When we got back to Australia, I weighed 114kg, I was bloated and I was just stressed out,” describes Paul. “After several months on the products I lost 28kg and became the fittest I’d been in 30 years.”

“I also lost five kilos which was great”, remembers Suzanne who describes the feeling as “like a switch that had been turned on inside. I started to feel alive. Happiness started to come back. We agreed then and there that if the business is half as good as the products, let’s get going!”

_MG_2323Cannonballing into the business, Paul and Suzanne devoted their time, focus and energy on sharing the opportunity with passionate likeminded people. Sporting such visible results, “made sharing Isagenix easy in the first year” says Suzanne, as people would often ask what they were doing to “look so good.”

Falling in love with the products, Paul and Suzanne had done their research and could literally talk for hours on the science, ingredients and benefits. The couple acknowledge this it what slowed them down initially, as they overlooked the most amazing product of all, which they fondly refer to as ‘Product M’. “That’s money of course,” says Suzanne. “As soon as we realised this and changed how we shared the opportunity, that’s when the real growth began.”

The magic of becoming a Millionaire_MG_3482

“By helping others become successful, we’ve been able to be successful. That’s what we love about this profession”, remarks Paul. The couple both agree that the way they built their business was never just been about their personally enrolled team. “We always reach down to see who’s hungry for this profession. Who’s really keen to get going and who’s asking the right questions,” says Suzanne.

Our Isagenix Family

“We just can’t be thankful enough to Jim, Kathy and Erik Coover along with John Anderson and the whole Corporate team. To our sponsor Joseph Sergei and the remarkable leaders here down under who we’ve learned so much from, we can’t thank you enough.”


A message for aspiring millionaires

“Maxing out our business centre was a remarkable experience. Reaching Millionaire status for us…we get goose bumps just thinking about it. It’s so exciting! And we did it in 3.5 years. So many of you will do this faster than us. Much, much faster than us.”