Josh Carder and Sarah Berry were looking for a solution. Like many others, the START couple were living their day-to-day life feeling unsure about their future but it never occurred to them to move away from the path society had placed them on.

Finishing up a four year degree, Sarah found herself struggling. “I was always trying to stay on top of my health and finances,” says Sarah. “It felt like swimming against the tide.” Describing her health as “like a yo-yo,” she found herself in a mountain of student debt with a low likelihood of landing a job in her chosen field but her passion for helping others and her desire to gain control of her health took her in another direction.

Similarly to Sarah, Josh thought he’d already found his passion and was studying to fly helicopters with a dream of giving back and contributing by flying rescue helicopters. “I’d wake up at 5am and get home around 7pm which meant I relied on convenient food such as takeaway,” says Josh. “The weight started piling on which left my energy levels depleted and my confidence low.”

The couple both came across Isagenix® separately, with Sarah stumbling across inspirational ‘before’ and ‘after’ transformations through 6 Star Golden Circle, 6 Star Crystal Executive, Rachel Pedretti and Josh through fellow helicopter pilot, 5 Star Golden Circle, 4 Star Crystal Executive, Adam Nesbitt. “Adam was the guy waking me up after falling asleep with my head in my textbooks,” laughs Josh. “Sarah was inspired by not only the physical transformations but also the stories that went along with the photos. She loved the idea of a supportive community that lifted others up.”

After beginning their Isagenix journey, the pair got much more than they bargained for, entering into a community that inspired them to alter their life in ways they never expected. “We were excited to see results soon after beginning the Isagenix system,” says Sarah. “We both experienced weight loss, amazing increases in energy and much-needed mental clarity but even better than those things, we found the START community and a way to make residual income by helping others. It was everything we wanted and more.”

Sharing the gift of health and wellness came naturally to the pair, setting goals and hitting milestones they’d never imagined possible. “Since growing our business and helping to change lives, we have been granted choice,” shares Sarah. “It amazes me that this opportunity isn’t considered the norm. Instead, we are taught to believe time flexibility is simply a pipe dream.”

With their dedication to working their Isagenix business and earning time flexibility, the pair were able to live in Bali for five months, a dream they had always shared. “Leaving our full-time jobs and spending everyday together living out our dreams and helping others live out theirs is much more fulfilling than chasing a dollar,” says Josh. “The ability to give freely has transformed our daily life.”

Leveraging their business through Sales Programs such as IsaDerby, the young couple have earned a myriad of accolades, including earning a winning spot in IsaRally NZ and IsaDerby Borneo. “We want to represent what is possible for young people,” says Sarah. “We want them to know that with passion and hard work you can live a rewarding life filled with purpose.”

Now 3 Star Golden Circle, 1 Star Crystal Executives, Sarah and Josh couldn’t be prouder to represent the START vision. “START is a place where people can be completely authentic about who they are, their goals, their dreams and their desires while supporting others along the way.There are so many other young people who are looking to create more freedom in their lives and START offers all platforms for our generation to succeed!”