Michael and Louise Hughes Executive, 1 Star Golden Circle

Michael and Louise Hughes
Executive, 1 Star Golden Circle

Having four beautiful children, Michael was unhappy working such long hours. Overweight and rarely able to spend quality time with his family, Michael started Isagenix® in January 2014, introduced by a past colleague.

“I really wanted to lose weight. I was sluggish and unmotivated so my initial goal was just to be able to keep up with my children. Amazingly I achieved my weight loss target within eight weeks and I was over the moon! It was during this time that I realised how special Isagenix is. After that, my next goal was to build my Isagenix business.”

Michael caught the Isagenix vision after attending IsaUni Brisbane and immediately started the 90-Day Game Plan with a drive to become Executive.

“Attending Isagenix events such as IsaUni and University In Action have really helped inspire me and others that I know. After witnessing the amazing speakers at IsaUni Brisbane, I knew I wanted to reach Executive as soon as possible. I followed advice from corporate speakers and leaders in the field and really built my understanding byMichael and Lousie Hughes using all the tools available.”

Besides the amazing Associates he has met over the past year, Michael says the number one experience he has enjoyed is his personal development.

“2014 was truly amazing. My body and life transformed! In 2015 I plan to get rid of the distractions, focus on my Isagenix business and develop my team. I can already tell that it’s going to be a great year!”