1 Star Golden Circle, Crystal Executive Nolan Fisher and his family
Burnt by a previous Network Marketing company, it took four people to suggest Isagenix® before 1 Star Golden Circle, Crystal Executive Nolan Fisher considered giving it a try.
How were you introduced to Isagenix and what did you first think?
I was actually asked to have a look at Isagenix by four different people before I joined. I was just so skeptical as I have been burnt by a previous business in Network Marketing. However, when a close friend of mine told me that Jana Pittman would like to speak to me about Isagenix and the amazing opportunity involved, I was open to hearing what Jana Pittman had to say!
What made you change your mind and give Isagenix a go?
I thought to myself, “OK, if an Olympic athlete is using the products, I’m intrigued to hear more.” The meeting went well, and even though I was still skeptical, I thought I’d give it a go and see how I felt and what my results were like on the 30-Day Nutritional Cleansing Program.
What results have you experienced?
I initially released 3.4kg. I’m now maintaining that and dropping my body fat to 12-15 percent. I have not felt this good in years! I have so much more energy every day, I feel happier and healthier and I am sleeping like a baby again! Isagenix has given me a new zest to life! I’m so thankful every day.
Will you continue to build your Isagenix business and have you shared your experience with people?
Yes and yes! I am going all the way with Isagenix! I want to impact so many people’s lives both physically and financially! I have embraced Isagenix’s mission statement and want to fulfill their vision also! I will not stop until I have achieved this – I have the vision, the mission and determination to accomplish this and I feel it is my duty and purpose in life!
What is your advice to other people who may think as you once did?
It’s a company and nutritional program like no other. It’s an unbelievable business opportunity sitting right in front of you. What have you got to lose? What’s the worst than can happen? You might feel the best you have in years and you might get the results you have always wanted – plus you can change your entire financial situation! You can start earning a residual income that will supplement your current income to help you live the life of your dreams!
That’s the gift of Isagenix: the products, the people and the passion!