

Want to learn more about our no-compromise products? Or maybe you’re eager to build your Isagenix business but you’re not sure what the next step is? Then Isagenix events are for you!

Check out event-related articles below to gain insight of what’s in store at each of our incredible, life-changing events and view the 2019 Events Calendar here to see where and when events are taking place. Ready to get involved? Visit to purchase event tickets!

Next Event:

Isagenix Spring Festival Sydney!

The Perfect Dose of Adaptogens and Natural Caffeine

If you could bottle that ‘I got this’ feeling, it would look like e+. Since e+ landed in Australia and NZ in 2014, record numbers of workouts have been smashed, inspired office presentations have been delivered, and parents have found extra energy for yet more chasey with the kids.

July 4th, 2019|

Mother and Son Success!

In her first IsaBody Challenge® back in 2016, Leona Wyllie lost an incredible 22 kg. But her hard work was undone by a string of devasting family circumstances that followed.

July 2nd, 2019|

An Isa-Inspired Family Road Trip!

Despite only starting their Isagenix business six months ago, Bec closed her hair salon while Mick left his job in the mines and sold his two supplement stores and gym so the family of six could take on a 12 month road trip.

June 21st, 2019|

Cleanse Day FAQ

Cleanse Days, or nutritionally-supported intermittent fast days, are kind of like ‘secret sauce’ when it comes to the results and stories that we hear about daily. They’re not only important for those on a weight loss mission, but are also key to healthier ageing and better mental clarity.

June 20th, 2019|

Mara the Isagenix Millionaire!

At just 23 years old, Mara gave up on her dreams and felt forced to settle for an admin job on $38,000 a year. Six years of perseverance and determination later, Mara is now an Isagenix Legacy Club Millionaire*!

June 19th, 2019|
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